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Donald Trump and Joe Biden clash over golf handicaps during presidential debate

Joe Biden and Donald Trump come to blows over who is the better golfer during the first presidential debate of the 2024 US election.

Donald Trump accused President Joe Biden of lying about his golf handicap during a wild first presidential debate of the 2024 United States election.

Trump, 78, and Biden, 81, traded barbs on a wide range of topics, but it was their petty argument surrounding golf handicaps that drew plenty of raised eyebrows.

Biden took aim at Trump for lying about his height, and then soon moved on to question his levels of fitness.

In response, Trump bragged he was ‘in very good shape’ and that he recently won two club championships at one of his golf courses.

“To do that, you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way,” said Trump, the 45th President who served in office from 2017 to 2021.

Then in came their golf handicap squabble.

For the official record, Trump’s golf handicap was listed as a 2.5 in 2021.

Biden’s handicap was listed at 6.7, although the last update was in July 2018.

Trump said Biden “can’t hit a ball 50 yards” to which Biden responded “I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him.”

Biden then raised the stakes further by saying he would be keen for a round of golf to settle who is the better golfer.

“I got my handicap when I was Vice President down to a six,” said Biden.

“By the way I told you before, I’m happy to play golf with you if you can carry your own bag. Think you can do it?”

In response Trump said: “That’s the biggest lie, that he is a six handicap, of all.”

Biden then appeared to contradict himself by adding: “I was an eight handicap.”

Trump concluded: “I’ve seen your swing, I know your swing. Let’s not act about children though.”


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3 thoughts on “Donald Trump and Joe Biden clash over golf handicaps during presidential debate

  1. blank

    Joe biden would have a hard time picking up a club, much less hitting a golf ball. If you saw the debate last night, you know he’s closer to a nursing home than the first tee box

    1. blank

      It would be fun to see ol’ jolting Joe try to bend down tee up his drive. He’d probably fall over!!

  2. blank

    If Orange Head would play the game and counting all the shots and putts and los boles he probably plays has a 10 to 15 handicap.
    You do not call in from some ware and declare yourself Club Champ when you are not at that Club…cheater once cheater always …!!!!

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