4 thoughts on “Struggle with fairway woods? Try these 3 tips to hit them like a pro

  1. blank

    You say to place the ball forward in your stance, line it up with your heart. In reality, your heart is much closer to the centre of your chest than you think. I’d suggest lining the ball up between the inside seam and centre of an imaginary or real shirt-chest pocket.

    1. blank

      Agreed. I think that’s what he meant, but you cleared it up nicely.

  2. blank

    What I have found to work for me is to move the ball to my left- being right handed – BUT you need to position your hands forward as well so your hands are always ahead of the ball position. When you swing you will feel how your hands move with much more speed compared to normal. Yous should also consider the lye to choose the ball position. If the grass is moving up to your left you should move your contact point also to the left of your body. Place the face of the wood in parallel position to the ball and perpendicular to the direction you want the ball to fly. YOUr hands will have to me moved forward – left side – as the ball was placed forward also due to lie. If the ball is downhill you have to move the ball back to your right but always your hands in front of the ball at contact. I suggest that you exagerate the amount your hands are in the front of all the ball at all time. After yuo try several times you can teh make small adjustments. Also try to be closer to the ball so your swing is perpendicular to the floor. Swing fast and your hands will move faster naturally. adn you wil hit very straight.

    It has work for me very much

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